Monday, August 06, 2007

The Car Washers' Cons

I love the every day details which, if we are not looking, would walk past without noticing. This picture was made near my favourite Indian takeaway in Pietermaritburg, and I just could not resist the scene.
The old cooking oil containers belong to the men who wash cars in the street, and the shoes probably belong to one of them too. I liked the colours and the odd items arranged, but most of all I love the life slice. A piece of time which in the future will change.
I read a list of 13 things a photographer is working to change. I would have a link to said photographer but have managed to get my old bookmarks which I lost back, and have now lost all the bookmarks I had made since then. One of those was to pass fewer photographs. As I read that I knew it is something I need to work on too. I have missed so many good opportunities to make picture. This is one of those.

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