In the wake of the murder of the right wing leader Eugene Terre'Blanche, the AWB has dusted off their khakis and flags. As much as I do not understand the right wing mind, I have always been somewhat curious. Perhaps because I do not have a culture of my own to protect with such conviction. But nothing could have prepared me for Piet.
Piet Dlamini is no ordinary AWB supporter. He is a one of a kind, and as some of you are wondering he is the real deal. When he spoke about the murder of his Terre'Blanche he cried, speaking of the former right wing leader as 'my beginning and my end.'
I had heard of this man before we managed to track him down, and was sceptical as to the authenticity of what I had heard. But hearing him speak about his 'king' referring to Terre'Blanche was mind blowing. He loved the man and went to great lengths explaining the qualities he admired in him.
Paddy Harper wrote a lovely piece entitled 'Humble Gardener Mourns 'Father' which is online at http://www.timeslive.co.za/sundaytimes/article397310.ece/Humble-gardener-mourns--father

I hope to visit Piet Dlamini in the near future.

the man is a hoax, AWB is paying him to do this. his clothes dont even fit.
I'm confused. Can you tell us more?
so to determine if said person is indeed a fake, we use the powers of clothing deduction theory right?
aaah yes, I see it now, genius sir, genius!
actually if u r proud of your allegiance to a particular organisation, then u take things your uniform or attire very seriously. Like the Nazi's and their uniforms, u shud know a whole lot about them right.
as for your sarcasm, come on man Rogan Ward is a photographer. Not on the man's blog.
Hey Rogan, why so thin on the details of this post and character? Please elaborate man. Where is the audio interview and the other pics.
Piet must have a serious case of self-loathing. It's actually really sad.
This gave me a good laugh.
Nice post… Thanks for sharing your such a nice person!…
Any whites that aren't supporting the AWB may be a little naive.
I like this man
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